+1 (888) 271-9466 [email protected]
August, 2014

August, 2014

Quantum Helium Management Corp., the operating spin-off from Quantum Technology Corp. successfully started the first helium refining plant in Canada in over 40 years. For Helium Sales please enquire at: 1 888 271 9466.
June, 2014

June, 2014

Quantum finalized a large, fully automated, high pressure recovery/purification system for a major industrial outfit in North America: Flow rate: 350 m3/hr (200 cfm) Helium purity: 99.995% Outlet pressure: up to 400 bars (6,000psi)
May, 2014

May, 2014

Quantum is please to announce the launch of a new product: Refrigerated water cooler – please see picture below and our brochure
February, 2014

February, 2014

Quantum is pleased to announce its services for the Airship Industry: Helium recovery from airships/aerostats Helium purification service for lighter-than-air crafts Please review our brochure for airship services.